63 research outputs found

    Tarinoita valokuvien takaa: tunnelmia menneestä ajasta tekstiilitaiteen keinoin

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    Tutkielmassani tutkin, miten tekstiilitaiteen keinoin voidaan ilmaista vanhan valokuvan välittämää tunnelmaa, siihen liittyvää tarinaa tai mielenkiintoista yksityiskohtaa. Tutkimuksen taiteellinen osio muodostuu viidestä tekstiilitaideteoksesta, jotka olivat esillä Rovaniemellä Arktikumin Katve 1 galleriassa 22.1–8.2.2015 pidetyssä näyttelyssä Tarinoita valokuvien takana. Teosten lähtökohtina ja inspiraation lähteinä toimivat vanhat, 1900-luvun alun muoto- ja käyntikorttivalokuvat. Teoksissani käytän pääasiassa vanhoja, kirpputorilta löytämiäni tekstiilejä. Tutkielmani primääriaineistoa ovat Aili-mummoni valokuva-albumit. Albumeista valitsemani vanhat valokuvat sekä tekstiilitaideteokset toimivat tutkimukseni aineistona ja apuna tiedonhaussa. Tutkin myös kierrätysmateriaalien käyttöä tekstiilitaiteessa ja sitä, mikä merkitys sillä on taiteilijalle. Tutkimukseni on taiteellinen tutkimus, joka perustuu käytäntölähtöiseen eli practice-based research -tutkimusotteeseen. Valokuvien analysoimiseen ja tarkasteluun käytän Erwin Panofskyn ikonografista kolmitasoista sisällönanalyysia. Erittelen valokuvien yleisiä piirteitä, aihetta ja yksityiskohtia sekä selvitän, millä ajanjaksolla kuvat on otettu ja mihin historialliseen kontekstiin ne kuuluvat. Tarkastelen myös valokuviin liittyviä viestejä ja merkityksiä niiden vastaanottajalle sekä kuvien katsojalle. Lopuksi tarkastelen valokuvien merkitystä menneisyyden muistamisessa ja ymmärtämisessä sekä niiden roolia taiteellisen ilmaisuni lähtökohtina. Pohdin myös näyttelystä saamiani kokemuksia sekä tekstiilitaidetta oman tekemiseni pohjalta. Teosten ja niiden lähtökohtien avaaminen tutkimuksessa avaa uusia näkökulmia teosten tarkasteluun.In my thesis, I examine how the feelings, stories, and details of old photographs can be manifested by the use of textile art. The artistic part of the thesis consists of five textile art pieces, which I exhibited in Rovaniemi Arktikum gallery Katve 1 22.1-8.2.2015. The exhibition was called Tarinoita valokuvien takana (Stories behind the Photographs). My artistic works were inspired by and based on old visiting card photographs and portraits from the early 20th century. I made the pieces using old textiles which I found from the flea market. In my thesis, I use my grandmother Aili’s photo-albums as my primary research material. The old photographs and art pieces serve as my research material and methods. I also examine recycling materials in textile art and the meaning of utilizing them as an artist. My thesis is an artistic research work and it is based on practice-based research. I analyse photographs with Erwin Panofsky’s iconographical content analysis which consists of three stages. First, I analyse overviews, topics, and details of the photographs, and then I find out their time periods. I also examine the messages and meanings behind the photographs. At the end, I examine the photographs’ importance in memories of the past and their role on my artistic works. I also reflect on my own textile art process and the experience I gained from my exhibition. Examining and explaining my art pieces allows for new point of views for interpreting the works.acceptedVersio

    Severe drought in Finland : Modeling effects on water resources and assessing climate change impacts

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    Severe droughts cause substantial damage to different socio-economic sectors, and even Finland, which has abundant water resources, is not immune to their impacts. To assess the implications of a severe drought in Finland, we carried out a national scale drought impact analysis. Firstly, we simulated water levels and discharges during the severe drought of 1939–1942 (the reference drought) in present-day Finland with a hydrological model. Secondly, we estimated how climate change would alter droughts. Thirdly, we assessed the impact of drought on key water use sectors, with a focus on hydropower and water supply. The results indicate that the long-lasting reference drought caused the discharges to decrease at most by 80% compared to the average annual minimum discharges. The water levels generally fell to the lowest levels in the largest lakes in Central and South-Eastern Finland. Climate change scenarios project on average a small decrease in the lowest water levels during droughts. Severe drought would have a significant impact on water-related sectors, reducing water supply and hydropower production. In this way drought is a risk multiplier for the water–energy–food security nexus. We suggest that the resilience to droughts could be improved with region-specific drought management plans and by including droughts in existing regional preparedness exercises

    Neuropathological findings in possible normal pressure hydrocephalus : A post-mortem study of 29 cases with lifelines

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, University of Muenster. All rights reserved.Aims: There are very few detailed post-mortem studies on idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) and there is a lack of proper neuropathological criteria for iNPH. This study aims to update the knowledge on the neuropathology of iNPH and to develop the neuropathological diagnostic criteria of iNPH. Methods: We evaluated the clinical lifelines and post-mortem findings of 29 patients with possible NPH. Premortem cortical brain biopsies were taken from all patients during an intracranial pressure measurement or a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt surgery. Results: The mean age at the time of the biopsy was 70±8 SD years and 74±7 SD years at the time of death. At the time of death, 11/29 patients (38%) displayed normal cognition or mild cognitive impairment (MCI), 9/29 (31%) moderate dementia and 9/29 (31%) severe dementia. Two of the demented patients had only scarce neuropathological findings indicating a probable hydrocephalic origin for the dementia. Amyloid-β (Aβ) and hyperphosphorylated τ (HPτ) in the biopsies predicted the neurodegenerative diseases so that there were 4 Aβ positive/low Alzheimer’s disease neuropathological change (ADNC) cases, 4 Aβ positive/intermediate ADNC cases, 1 Aβ positive case with both low ADNC and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), 1 HPτ/PSP and primary age-related tauopathy (PART) case, 1 Aβ/HPτ and low ADNC/synucleinopathy case and 1 case with Aβ/HPτ and high ADNC. The most common cause of death was due to cardiovascular diseases (10/29, 34%), followed by cerebrovascular diseases or subdural hematoma (SDH) (8/29, 28%). Three patients died of a postoperative intracerebral hematoma (ICH). Vascular lesions were common (19/29, 65%). Conclusions: We update the suggested neuropathological diagnostic criteria of iNPH, which emphasize the rigorous exclusion of all other known possible neuropathological causes of dementia. Despite the first 2 probable cases reported here, the issue of “hydrocephalic dementia” as an independent entity still requires further confirmation. Extensive sampling (with fresh frozen tissue including meninges) with age-matched neurologically healthy controls is highly encouraged.Peer reviewe

    A novel CT‑based automated analysis method provides comparable results with MRI in measuring brain atrophy and white matter lesions

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    Purpose Automated analysis of neuroimaging data is commonly based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but sometimes the availability is limited or a patient might have contradictions to MRI. Therefore, automated analyses of computed tomography (CT) images would be beneficial. Methods We developed an automated method to evaluate medial temporal lobe atrophy (MTA), global cortical atrophy (GCA), and the severity of white matter lesions (WMLs) from a CT scan and compared the results to those obtained from MRI in a cohort of 214 subjects gathered from Kuopio and Helsinki University Hospital registers from 2005 - 2016. Results The correlation coefficients of computational measures between CT and MRI were 0.9 (MTA), 0.82 (GCA), and 0.86 (Fazekas). CT-based measures were identical to MRI-based measures in 60% (MTA), 62% (GCA) and 60% (Fazekas) of cases when the measures were rounded to the nearest full grade variable. However, the difference in measures was 1 or less in 97-98% of cases. Similar results were obtained for cortical atrophy ratings, especially in the frontal and temporal lobes, when assessing the brain lobes separately. Bland-Altman plots and weighted kappa values demonstrated high agreement regarding measures based on CT and MRI. Conclusions MTA, GCA, and Fazekas grades can also be assessed reliably from a CT scan with our method. Even though the measures obtained with the different imaging modalities were not identical in a relatively extensive cohort, the differences were minor. This expands the possibility of using this automated analysis method when MRI is inaccessible or contraindicated.Peer reviewe

    Flora I (2020)

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    Pinnalla – tekstiilitaiteen näyttely

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    Pinnalla-näyttelyssä on esillä erilaisin materiaalein ja tekniikoin toteutettuja tekstiiliteoksia.Tekstiiliteokset syntyvät usein vanhojen tavaroiden ja tarinoiden inspiroimina. Osassa näyttelyn teoksia Jääskeläinen palaa omaan lapsuuteensa tuomalla kankaalle vanhoja valokuvia kuvansiirtotekniikalla. Osassa teoksia hän tutkii luonnon monimuotoisuutta kasvien ja kasvikansion kautta. Pinnalla-näyttelyn teokset kertovat elämän hetkellisyydestä ja ovat osa Jääskeläisen omaa selviytymistarinaa.Jääskeläinen käyttää teoksissaan kierrätysmateriaaleja, kuten vanhoja kankaita, papereita ja esineitä. Tekniikoissa yhdistyvät vapaa konekirjonta, käsinkirjonta, kuvansiirto, digitulostus kankaalle, kankaan maalaus ja paperitekstiilitekniikka, joilla Jääskeläinen loihtii teoksiinsa kiinnostavia pintoja. Galleria Lyhdyssä on esillä Jääskeläisen jacquard-tekniikalla kudottuja kankaita, jotka ovat osa hänen väitöskirjansa taiteellista osiota